Community Action Tenants Union

Solidarity Through CATU

CATU Ireland, is a community union set up for and by tenants, mortgage holders and those living in precarious living situations. We believe in direct action, community democracy and organising as tools to build our collective power and voice. These are the core principles of the union.

CATU stands in solidarity with other struggles, campaigns, actions, events and groups in a number of ways.

  1. We encourage all members, in an individual capacity, to engage in actions and with groups which strive for social and economic justice as outlined in the constitution of the union. This may be community campaigns, grassroots protests, housing and homeless actions, anti-racism work and actions fighting discrimination, as well as vital community spaces, clubs, groups and organisations. Local groups/branches can decide how to engage and show solidarity concerning local concerns and coalitions so long as it is broadly within the principles of the union.
  2. If you as a member want an issue, action or event to be supported by the union as a collective body, a motion must be brought to your local group or branch to be voted on (in keeping with the principle of community democracy). Once this motion is passed by local, the national communications can share this local statement or position. 
  3. If a majority of local groups/branches pass a similar position or an issue is voted on at the AGM, the union is mandated to further engage, and organise around said issue. Locals are encouraged to communicate and share their proposals if they have an issue they want passed.
  4. In the case of large scale national coalitions or mobilisations of a degree of importance with which it may be unclear how to engage – e.g. based on existing stances of the union or which have pressing time constraints, the national committee at their discretion may poll the entire membership online around support for or against such a cause. Decisions to endorse, ignore, or condemn any such event/coalition etc. are to be decided by a majority of the voting membership.

If you are a member in an area without a local committee, either recruit and form one or contact another area asking them to support a motion for said issue.