We start this week with the exciting news that CATU are HIRING!
On this occasion, we’re looking for a Regional Organiser for Ulster to build upon the excellent foundations laid by our members in Belfast and across the province.
If you’re a member based in Ulster (or elsewhere and willing to relocate), and this role sounds like something you’d be interested in, we very much want to hear from you.
Further details, including the job spec and application form, can be found HERE.
The role is part-time at 80 hours a month, with a rate of pay of £13/€15 per hour, and the deadline to get your application in is Friday, October 21st. Completed application forms and CVs should be sent to jobs@catuireland.org
Please consider throwing your name in the hat, or sharing it among your networks.
CATU Lucan-Palmerstown will be be hosting a training event on the topic of landlord research TOMORROW, Saturday, October 8th from 12-4pm in Palmerstown Youth & Community Centre. There is space for up to 20 attendees and you don’t have to be in the branch to join – just drop them an email to register your interest at catulucanpalmerstown@gmail.com
Attendance at one of these sessions is highly recommended – if you’re in the Dublin area and haven’t made it to one yet, why not join in tomorrow?
Over to CATU Ballymun-Finglas now, who held a hugely successful public meeting on Tuesday.
The meeting was very well attended – testament to the relentless efforts of branch members in getting the word out through doorknocking, stalls and leaflet drops in the weeks leading up to it.
It was agreed by those in attendance that a follow-up meeting would take place next Tuesday, October 11th, at which a potential action will be fleshed out. Exciting times!
The CATU website is undergoing a makeover! A very kind fellow member with web development expertise is going to be working on making some improvements to the site over the coming days and weeks. With that in mind, have you got any feedback about your experience using the website? Are there any features you’d like to see added? Is there something that could/should be simpler to access? Please share any/all feedback with me and we’ll pass it on!
Some member defence officers from various branches are holding an informal online meeting next Tuesday, to talk about what strategies & actions have worked & what has not worked over the last while. This was requested by a member who has just taken on the role of Member Defence coordinator in their local branch & is keen to learn. If this is something that interests you, you’re very welcome to attend too.This chat would be especially useful for people who might want to get more involved with member defence.
Topic: Member Defence chat
Time: Oct 11, 2022 19:00
Meeting Link
CATU South Wicklow-Wexford are running a stall tomorrow afternoon from 1-4pm outside Gorey Shopping Centre.
If you’re a member in/around the area or know people locally who might like to find out more, make sure to drop by and say hello!
CATU Inchicore-Kilmainham, supported by several other Dublin branches, made their voices heard outside City Hall on Monday evening in advance of Dublin City Council’s monthly meeting. The message was clear: Any attempt to sell of any part of the St. Michael’s estate to private developers will not be tolerated.
Our understanding is that it will likely be February when a vote comes before the Council around land disposal at this site – but it was important to make our presence felt and to continue to do so.
CATU Mountjoy-Dorset will be facilitating a campaign planning night on Thursday, October 27th at Ozanam House Resource Centre, 53 Mountjoy Square West.
It will be chance to talk about issues around housing and community, hear what the union has been up to and get organised. If you’re a member locally, join in – or know someone who lives locally and isn’t yet a member, please spread the word!
CATU Dún Laoghaire will be out doorknocking again in Blackrock on Tuesday evening in support of a member who is at risk of eviction. They will be meeting in front of the Frascati Centre at 18:30. There will also be an event on the 14th to protect the member from a possible eviction. More details will follow on the socials, or email catudunlaoghaire@gmail.com for more info
That’s all for now – all contributions and feedback are welcome as always <3
In solidarity,
Naoise Faogáin
National Administrator
Community Action Tenants Union – CATU Ireland